What I Avoided Buying at IKEA

avoided buying at IKEA

In this blog post, let’s talk about what avoided buying at IKEA Yesterday morning, I drove 2 1/2 hours to Atlanta, GA. And yesterday evening, I drove 2 1/2 hours back home. I’d driven there to see my sister, Ana, who had flown in from CA to finalize some things at their home left behind … Read more

My Abortion Story: Grace after the Choice

my abortion story

She then told me that a laminaria would have to be inserted in the opening of my cervix. “What is that? What does it do?” I asked. She explained that it was a piece of seaweed that would expand to dilate my cervix. I asked to see it, and she showed me what looked like … Read more

Cottage Makeover of a Preteen Girl’s Bedroom

Makeover of a Preteen Girl's Bedroom

Last week at Gina’s place was long, interesting, tiring, inspiring, hot, educational, sweaty, productive. I have never experienced anything like it before, nor will I ever again, I suppose! I mean, the cottage makeover of a preteen girl’s bedroom gives me hilarious yet memorable moments. To have 6 creative blogging women in one space, well, … Read more

A Blogger’s Organized Kitchen Tour

Organized Kitchen Tour

If you find yourself walking back and forth as you bake to retrieve items and ingredients, you may need to re-think the location of these things. Store items in a way that makes sense and saves steps. Almost all of my baking necessities are within arm’s reach in this corner. And I am showing off … Read more

How I Organize My Seasonal Decor

Organize My Seasonal Decor

Am I the only one with too many Christmas/Autumn/Spring decorations? I love to organize my seasonal decor. Do any of you have more than one box of decorations? I sure hope so. Cuz I would feel like a hoarder. This is my dining room post-Christmastime last year. Notice the PEACE sign hanging on the mirror. … Read more