It all started when a blogger friend of mine, Erin, mailed me something about managed my refrigerator,
cause she offered to, cause we don’t use chemicals in our house to clean things anymore.
This post is not a Shaklee promo, by the way, I just NEED to tell you,
that I mixed the concentrate with water, put in in a spray bottle just like the instructions said,
and I opened up my fridge.

Not too bad, right?
How about the door?
(Ignore the Corona beers on the bottom shelf- they’ve been there for a year, I think.)
I took everything out of the fridge.
Every last morsel.
Then, I stood back and took a gander at the nekked inside of our fridge.

Like, ew!
Because it was a lovely, rainy, and cold day,
I took all the drawers and shelves out, toted ’em up to our Master Bath garden tub
I sprayed them all with the Basic H-2.
Waited 10 minutes or so and Y’ALL aren’t going to believe this,
since I thought I was gonna have to use the sander on the bottom shelf,
but all I did was rinse everything off in hot water and it was CLEAN!!
I dried all the pieces and put them back into place.

I really like this Basic-H2 stuff!
Earlier this week, I found these lovelies at Wal-Mart.
The 3 large handled baskets were $2.50 each.
The 3 small handled baskets were $2.00 each.
And the 4 packs of storage trays were $1.17 each.
I also went grocery shopping.
I end up throwing a lot of food away because it gets stuck at the back.
And I forget about it.
Do you?

I started Weight Watchers a month and a 1/2 ago (need to lose 17 pounds, I have 11.5 to go!)
and I need the power foods right up front,
so I am not tempted to go to the pantry and get chocolate.
The handled bins are great- I just take them out and set them on the counter,
get what I need, and slide it back on the shelf.
We do not eat a lot of meat, so we usually do have this much produce on hand.
About twice a week we eat fish or chicken with our veggies.